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The Prefect system, at Chadwell Heath Academy, is something we are very proud of. This team of young people volunteer their time and skills to play a crucial role in our school community, and they truly rise to that challenge.

Our Prefects are highly respected by our students and they wear their special pins with pride. Prefects act as ambassadors for the school, are positive role models, and help to promote the ethos of the school by supporting both staff and students in everyday tasks, events and initiatives.

Prefects are chosen from students in Year 10, and are elected from a ballot amongst staff. The voting criteria include a student’s contribution to school life, conduct and suitability for the position. Senior Prefects are selected, who lead their team throughout the year.

The Prefect team carry out a variety of duties, which include lunch and break duties, ensuring that all the students leave the building and behave in an appropriate manner. They also escort visitors on tours of the school, and are leaders in our inter-form sporting events. Prefects also assist in the running of Parents Evenings and other important school events.

The Prefect System encourages our young people to serve their school community, while demonstrating leadership skills and a sense of responsibility. Prefects develop their confidence, communication, and team building skills.