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Chadwell Heath

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Admissions & Appeals

Primary Transfer Admissions

All admissions for Primary Transfer to Secondary School for September 2025 MUST be made through your Local Authority.  The closing date for applications is Sunday 31st October 2024 at 11.59 p.m.  You must apply online.  


The Local Authority will notify the School of all applications after the closing date.

The Governing Body Admissions Committee will allocate 186 places by applying the published admissions criteria.

The School cannot give any information concerning the progress of applications.

The Local Authority will notify parents of their application result on 1st March 2025.

Parents who applied for entry and are unsuccessful have the right to appeal for entry to an Independent Appeal Panel.  Appeal requests should be addressed to the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel.

Appeals will be heard in early June 2025.

Admissions to Present Year Groups

The Governing Body of the Academy is responsible for its own admissions into the existing Year groups. It has delegated the administration of applications for admission to an Admissions Committee.

The intake into all year groups is 186 for September 2025. 

Parents should be aware that the School is full in all Year groups.

Parents have the right to appeal for a place to an Independent Appeal Panel if they have been refused entry by the Governing Body Admissions Committee.  You must make an application and be refused before the Appeal Panel can consider your case. Appeal requests should be emailed to the Clerk to the Independent Appeal Panel.

Parents who apply for entry and are unsuccessful may, if they wish, be placed on a waiting list.

Appeals Information

To download the appeal information booklet use this link:


To download the appeal form use this link:


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