Home-School Agreement
The School will endeavour to provide an environment that is healthy and safe for its pupils and that promotes high standards of work and behaviour. Through the curriculum offered, pupils have the opportunity to achieve their full potential and equip themselves to play their part in the modern world. There will be regular reports, both in written communication and in annual parents' evenings, to keep parents informed of progress.
Parents will endeavour to support their son/daughter in his/her learning by encouraging him/her to attend school regularly, punctually and properly dressed and equipped for work. They will encourage their son/daughter to complete all classwork and homework to the best of their ability and through attendance at parents‟ evenings support their son/daughter‟s academic progress. They will inform the School of any concerns or problems that might affect their son/daughter‟s work or behaviour and support all school policies.
Pupils will endeavour, both in and around the School, to behave in a manner that will not endanger the health, safety, property or well being of themselves or others or reflect badly on the School‟s reputation. They will recognise that the classroom is an area of learning, for themselves and their peers. They will be well behaved and, through self-discipline and hard work, build a positive environment in which to study. They should cooperate with members of staff without argument or rudeness, abide by the “Code of Conduct” for pupils and respond positively to school discipline.
For the School to function effectively and safely, pupils must respect the following behaviour code:
Arrive on time to school and lessons ready to work.
Wear school uniform correctly.
Refer to the teacher as "Sir‟ or "Miss‟.
Listen to the teacher without talking or interrupting.
Follow instructions without challenge, argument or rudeness.
Be polite and considerate to classmates.
Not chew, eat or drink in lessons unless there is an agreed medical reason.
Keep iPods, mobile phones etc. switched off and out of sight during lessons.
Talk quietly without shouting.
Treat school equipment responsibly.
In the corridors and on the stairs pupils must also:
Stay to the left and keep moving.
- Walk sensibly without running or pushing.
Use of Social Media: Pupils must use social media responsibly and in a way that does not cause offence to pupils or staff; jeopardise the safety of themselves or others; or bring the School into disrepute. The School is not responsible for the investigation or punishment of any misuse of social media by pupils outside of school.
Pupils are prohibited from engaging in any form of substance abuse during the school day, in particular to be in possession of, distribute, deal or be under the influence of, drugs (either legal or illegal) except where medically prescribed; pursuing any activity or action that places pupils and/or staff in danger, in particular to be in possession of a knife or any other item that may be defined as, or used as, a weapon; inflicting or co-ordinating serious physical or emotional harm on a pupil or member of staff as a result of violence or discrimination; causing willful and serious damage to the property of the School, its staff or pupils through vandalism or arson.
In the event of any pupil committing a prohibited act PERMANENT EXCLUSION will be more probable than not.
N.B. Pupils should not be in the school building before 8.30 or after 3.50 unless at breakfast or taking part in a staff supervised activity (i.e. club or detention). It is the pupil’s responsibility to ensure that parents are aware that they are staying at school for such an activity and to arrange to be collected if required. All personal possessions should, wherever possible, be labelled. Bags should not be left unattended in open access areas. Pupils should not bring expensive items to school, nor carry large sums of money. The School is not responsible for loss or theft of property.