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Chadwell Heath

Working from Home

Homework & Online Learning

Homework is given regularly in order to help develop self-reliance and the ability to work
independently. It also provides the repetition and reinforcement which is indispensable in the
acquisition of skills.

Homework tasks are recorded in Pupil Planners and posted on Show My Homework which
parents can access through the SatchelOne website or via their smartphone.

The amount of homework set varies from subject to subject and from year to year. When homework is not set pupils should be writing notes, practising skills, and revising.

It is important to establish a regular homework routine. The time that pupils need to devote to homework or independent study is:

In Years 7, 8 & 9 – around 30 minutes per subject each week
In Year 10/11 – a minimum of 1 hour per subject per week
In Year 12/13 - a minimum of 3 hours per subject per week

We ask parents to help their children by encouraging them in their homework and
ensuring that there is a quiet time at home for it to be completed.

Office 365

Office 365 Education offers your child - at no cost to you or your family - free online and downloadable access to the Microsoft 365 platform consisting of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Publisher and Onedrive: www.office.com

Your child's log-in details are as follows:

Username - EXAMNUMBER@chadwellacademy.co.uk

Password - Your child's password will be the same as the one they currently use within school.

SAM Learning

Each pupil has a login to SAM Learning and there is a minimum expectation
that they will complete 4 hours of SAM in each 8-week module.




For information on how to support your child using GCSE Pod, please visit www.gcsepod.com/parents where you will find lots of information, a specially created Parent Toolkit with information on making the most of your child's subscription and links to upcoming parent webinars: www.gcsepod.com/podup-presents-parent-webinars/

Show My Homework

Guidance for parents:

Setting up an account and logging in:

Adding another child to your account: https://help.teamsatchel.com/en/articles/3058943-add-another-student-to-your-account

Assisting with student logins (how to help if your child cannot access their account): https://help.teamsatchel.com/en/articles/2912165-logging-in-as-a-parent#assisting-with-student-logins

Parents Welcome Pack 

Parents Guide to Satchel One