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Chadwell Heath

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Attendance & Punctuality Policy 

The importance of maintaining excellent attendance:

Chadwell Heath Academy is a successful school and promotes strong partnerships with parents in encouraging 100% attendance and punctuality for all students. 

Education is the foundation for future academic success. If Students are absent from school, they miss out on learning the fundamental skills that will set them up for success in later years. Attending school every day and arriving on time is the single most important part of your child’s education. Missing out on education has a significant effect on students’ life opportunities.  All research shows that students who attend well, are more likely to achieve. Each hour in school is a valuable learning experience that cannot be recovered. Therefore, everyone associated with the school – students, parents, all teaching, support staff and external agencies must do all in their power to ensure that excellent attendance and punctuality remain an integral part of the school’s work.

Children should be at the school, on time, every day that the school is open unless the reason for the absence is unavoidable. Missing out on lessons leaves children vulnerable to falling behind.


If your child is unable to attend school, for whatever reason, you should:

  • Contact us as soon as possible on the first day of absence:  Tel: 020 8252 5151
  • Send a note in with your child when they return to school explaining the reason for the absence
  • Inform us of any ongoing medical issues.

If your child is absent from school and you do not report it, the school office will carry out a first day absence procedure.  This will involve:

  • Contacting you by telephone

Unauthorised absences could result in parents being issued with a Penalty Notice.   We prefer it if Penalty Notices are rarely issued as we aim to work with parents to support students in maximising their attendance. All students are expected to maintain 100% attendance throughout the school year.


Poor punctuality is not acceptable. Late arriving students disrupt lessons. The school day starts at 8.45 am and we expect all students to be moving to registration at that time. Registers are marked at 8.50am. Students not in school by 8.45am will receive a late mark and will be expected to attend a thirty-five minute late detention the following morning, starting at 8.00am.