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Chadwell Heath

Working from Home

School Menu



chadwell heath january 25 menu.pdf





Delivering Fresh, Seasonally Inspired Food, Everyday

Catering Academy is a small contract catering company who provide fresh and innovative catering solutions.

Our aim is to deliver a wide range of fresh, locally sourced, seasonal food through our catering teams who are passionate about providing great food and great service.

We strive to produce delicious, tailor-made and above all healthy meals. This is achieved through using the latest software to analyse our menus, to guarantee they are nutritionally compliant with the standards set out by The School Food Trust.

Our commitment for quality in all aspects of food service is unrivalled.
Catering Academy - ‘Personally Delivering Excellence.’

If you have any thoughts or ideas on your food service,

please email us at: CChadwellHeath@atalianworld.com

To inform the school of pupils who have allergies so that we can cater for them
appropriately, please complete and email the Academy Allergy Request Form (linked below) to office@chadwellacademy.org.uk