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As an external student, I joined Chadwell Heath Academy and it has never disappointed me. The teachers put a tremendous amount of effort into their lessons, making sure they’re informative and enjoyable at the same time. Chadwell Heath Academy is filled with opportunities that will aid you in your future and help you develop interpersonal skills that will impress many employers. Our Sixth Form promotes independence and individuality which I personally believe is a what makes us stand out compared to other Sixth Forms. I am also Form Representative for my class which has helped me develop various skills and find solutions to problems. Most of all it has helped me work together as part of a team.


The most positive part of my experience at Chadwell Heath Academy has been the freedom you gain once entering Sixth Form. It becomes more of a choice than a chore to do and keep up with school work which, if you pick enjoyable subjects, works in your favour. I knew I wanted to stay at Chadwell for Sixth Form because I had already experienced the great atmosphere created in the school and how amazing the teachers are, therefore I knew I could trust the school with my further education. During Sixth Form I also became a member of the School Council which has given me many privileges, such as being able to pitch ideas for issues I think relevant in school. Throughout my Sixth Form education I have taken a particular liking to Psychology, learning about how the brain works, why we exhibit certain behaviour and looking into criminal minds and the unconscious. These are topics which have really intrigued me, so much so that I have decided to continue to study it at University!


The best part about Chadwell Heath Sixth Form is the help from teachers and the resources they have provided, even during a pandemic. With a heavy limitation on our education, teachers were still able to assist through apps such as Satchel One or even simple emails giving us opportunities for work experience, and various revision guides. All this, along with in class teaching, meant that students at Chadwell Heath were able to maximise their learning to the fullest during the pandemic. From my personal experience, the equipment and help I received allowed me to enjoy Product Design which for me is a key subject choice at this school. As well as this, the Sixth Form gives you a closer relationship with teachers and other students which I believe is essential in order for students to thrive academically and socially in any school. The social aspect of the Sixth Form is excellent as it allows people to enjoy their learning, share extra skills and gain confidence, preparing us for university and the real working world. Overall, Chadwell Heath Sixth Form has definitely given me the lead I needed into the career path I want, regardless of the impact of the pandemic. My time here has been memorable. I have expanded my knowledge and experience by utilising the resources available and meeting new people.


The reason I enjoy attending Chadwell Heath Academy is because of the independence it gives to students and the learning opportunities available for all people partaking in the curriculum. While attending Chadwell Heath Academy, I have been able to extend my knowledge in subjects that I am passionate about such as Economics and Business Studies. I’ve also been given the opportunity to develop my skillset and experience in areas outside of school such as basketball and handball. Being able to compete and participate in a multitude of sports competitions throughout my years at Chadwell Heath Academy has helped me to develop skills such as leadership, confidence and communication. These are all things that have benefitted my education as I have been able to apply these skillsets to my learning in the classroom.


Being in Sixth Form has not only meant developing my knowledge in the classroom but also, being given various opportunities to pursue activities outside of the school. For example, virtual work experience and well-being days. Chadwell Heath Academy is a welcoming Sixth Form. Its methods of teaching are effective and engaging. I am glad to have continued my education at Chadwell Heath Academy as it has provided me with experience that I may not have been able to access without the school’s facilities. During the time of applying for University, Sixth Form has been extremely helpful in supporting the UCAS process, as well as, helping me to improve my personal statement. Overall, Chadwell Heath Academy helps each and every student with their career, whether that’s by providing work experience or hiring a careers advisor. This has benefited me.


This Sixth Form promotes inclusivity, creativity and initiative. Being an external student and not knowing anyone, I was made to feel very welcome and received lots of support from teachers to bridge the gap between GCSEs and A Levels. I quickly felt part of the school community which led to me applying for Senior Student. I was successful in achieving this role and have since been supported by the school to evoke change and organise events such as a well-being day, where we got to choose fun activities like self defence, clay modelling and a football tournament, to participate in for the day. All students are encouraged to develop leadership skills through setting up societies we are passionate about. We now have an African-Caribbean Society, Film, Medicine and Dentistry, Art and many more. Everyone in the Sixth Form has a voice to speak up for change through being represented by Form Reps and Student Council meetings. This allows us to work collaboratively together and lead events such as Culture Day and fundraising as well as improving our Sixth Form environment.


Studying here at Chadwell Heath’s Sixth Form is an enjoyable experience as it balances our academic studies with the more fun side of life. The teachers encourage independence in decision making but still aid you in your journey and through difficult times, discovering what you would like to do in the future. There is a mix of independent work and group work, as well as having study periods, promoting individual learning. Additionally, there is a very supportive environment, helping you to start your own society or extra curricular activity. Likewise, I was supported to run for Form Representative and joined the Student Council, putting together events, such as fun days for the Year Group.
