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Chadwell Heath

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Assessment & Reporting

At Chadwell Heath Academy our curriculum for each year group is divided into 8-week modules and each module ends with an assessment which is sent to parents as an indicator of their child’s progress. For each assessment, pupils are awarded an effort and attainment grade in all subjects.

Pupils take home a written copy of their grades and parents are asked to acknowledge receipt of this by returning a reply slip to the pupil's form tutor.

If you have concerns about your child's academic progress please contact their form tutor in the first instance.

Key Stage 3


Effort Grades are assessed against: attendance, behaviour, classwork and homework. A report letter featuring these grades is issued at the end of each module.

Effort: Criteria for Assessment

Grade 1    Effort is EXCELLENT – inside and outside the classroom.
•    Attendance is 100% or work is caught up after absence.
•    Behaviour is self-disciplined.
•    Classwork and Homework reflect fully the ability of the pupil.
Grade 2    Effort is GOOD – inside and outside the classroom.
•    Attendance is 100% or work is usually caught up after absence.
•    Behaviour is self-disciplined.
•    Classwork and Homework largely reflect the ability of the pupil.
Grade 3    Effort is UNSATISFACTORY – inside and / or outside the classroom.
•    Attendance may be below 100% and work is not caught up.
•    Behaviour may lack self-discipline.
•    Classwork and Homework fail to reflect the ability of the pupil.
The pupil is under-achieving and targeted intervention is planned.
Grade 4    Effort is POOR – inside and / or outside the classroom.
•    Attendance may be below 100% and work not caught up.
•    Behaviour may lack self-discipline.
•    Classwork and Homework fail repeatedly to reflect the ability of the pupil.
The Attainment Grade is No Progress and targeted intervention is planned.


Attainment at Key Stage 3 is based on assessment criteria outlined on the module description sheet and assessed against the standard expected of a pupil who is on target to achieve Level 5 at the end of Year 9.  Attainment is graded: Beyond, Achieving and Towards.  Within this system, pupils are never more than one grade below the expected level of performance for their age – minimising the potential negative effects of labelling.  In exercise books, our marking policy permits differentiation at ‘Beyond’ – for example: B7 or B8.

Attainment Criteria for Assessment




the standard expected of a pupil who is on target for Level 5 performance at Key Stage 3

No progress

Must be awarded if a Grade 4 is given for Effort



Pupils are given a Target Grade for each subject studied – GCSE and equivalent – at the end of Module 1 (Year 10).  A suggested Target Grade is generated using MIDYIS KS3 core average projection and Year 9 SAT core average attainment.  This suggestion may either be adopted, or adjusted – up or down – by the subject teacher, to a maximum of Grade 7 and a minimum of Grade 5.  Target Grades remain fixed for the rest of the Key Stage.

A minimum target of Grade 5 is designed to promote high expectations for all pupils.  Differentiation beyond Grade 5 allows the School to identify and stretch its most able – who will be given targets of Grade 6 or 7 to motivate them to achieve the best possible results.

Attainment Criteria for Assessment
Beyond Working beyond the target grade
Achieving Achieving the target grade
Towards Working towards the target grade
Attainment (linked to effort grade 4) Criteria for Assessment
No Progress (for pupils with target grade 5) Due to lack of effort since the last report little progress has been made towards Target Grade
No Progress - Not achieving grade 5 (for pupils with target grades 6 or 7 who are NOT achieving grade 5) Due to lack of effort since the last report little progress has been made and work is below the standard required for a Grade 5 at GCSE