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Chadwell Heath

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Developing students’ understanding and knowledge of possible future pathways is an important aspect of our curriculum. 

Students in every year group experience a range of talks and activities to help them develop an understanding of the wide range of possibilities beyond school and help them make informed choices for options at GCSE and A level.

This includes work covered through our PSE and Citizenship classes, as well as talks, visits  and other careers events organised by the school.

We also use the services of independent careers specialists who can offer individual guidance for students and advise them on the range of opportunities available post 16. 

All students in year 11 and 12 are offered a careers  interview.  Some students in other year groups may also benefit from individual specialist careers advice.

General Information about Career Paths and Training Routes:

https://auth.xello.co.uk/SAML/Student/d774edd6-91e6-4096-aaec-c147c8fa2d56 - Xello is an online careers platform. Log in details given to all students from Year 9 to Year 13.

https://www.prospects.ac.uk/ - click on “discover where your degree could lead”

https://icould.com/explore/  - click on “subject” as a starting point

https://targetcareers.co.uk/ - click on “Careers Advice” to start with or explore the Career Sectors

Information about Apprenticeships:


https://whitehat.org.uk/ - provide support and guidance to find an apprenticeship for you

Also see the link at the bottom of the page for further information on apprenticeships.

Information about University Courses:


Information about Local Labour Market Statistics:


Information on gaining Work Experience:

https://uptree.co/ - register and search for one day work experience placements

https://www.s4snextgen.org/ - register to gain two weeks work experience in a variety of companies, but remember you must have the support of a teacher from school

Further details about our careers advice and guidance is available by clicking the link below:

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