Year 9
Head of Year: Mr Sharda
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you back after the summer – I hope you all had a lovely break! It is my privilege to continue to lead a promising cohort of pupils in Year 9. The Year Group continues to embrace the values and ethos of Chadwell Heath Academy, which they should be incredibly proud of, as they approach an exciting year which includes taking their GCSE options.
I am excited to see each and every member of the Year Group take full advantage of every opportunity provided to them, overcome challenges that come their way and cultivate healthy relationships with both their peers and staff. This approach to their life at school must be underpinned by them putting in their very best effort, upholding respect for one another and their education, and maintaining the positive reputation they have already built for themselves over the past two years with us.
As a parent/carer you play a key role in the education of your child. Your encouragement and support will help your child to excel during their time with us. We welcome your support in communicating our standards and expectations and thank you for that support. Many of you have signed up to view your child’s homework on Show My Homework, which is a method by which you may offer your support.
Throughout the year there will be a range of inter-form events, non-uniform days and other key dates. Please keep a keen eye on SIMS In-touch for additional information. Below you can find key dates for the academic year ahead.
I am looking forward to the Year Group maintaining the high standards which they have already set for themselves. It is with great pleasure that I continue to support a Year Group that demonstrate good character, aspiration and resilience.
Should you have concerns please do not hesitate to contact either myself or your child’s form tutor, and we will be happy to help.
I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all again soon.
Key Dates:
Prizegiving: Wednesday 16th October 2024
Year 9 Parents Evening and GCSE option Day: Wednesday 26th February
SATs -English, Maths and Science 6,7 and 8th May 2025
End-of-Year Examinations: W/C 16th June 2025