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Chadwell Heath

Working from Home

KS3 Curriculum

When pupils first enter the school they are placed on a reading programme as a first step
in ensuring that they continue to develop the skills with which to achieve their potential. This scheme continues through to Year 9 with pupils who have difficulty receiving additional support as required.

Our curriculum for each year group is divided into 8-week modules and each module ends
with an assessment which is sent to parents as a continuous guide to their child’s progress.

The subjects studied in Years 7 and 8 are:

Art, Design and Technology, Drama, English, French, German, Geography, History, Information Technology, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Religious Studies and Science.

In addition all pupils participate in a Personal and Social Education Lesson.

Much of the teaching takes place in mixed ability groups with the average group being twenty
three pupils.

In each subject, we aim to give our pupils the skills they will need to extend their knowledge
and have the firm foundations necessary for success at GCSE and A level.

The curriculum in Year 9 continues that of Years 7 and 8 apart from Modern Languages, where, at the end of Year 8, pupils choose whether to continue with French or German as their Foreign Language in Year 9. Pupils then follow the National Foundation Certificate in
Secondary Education for Modern Languages in either French or German.

Most subjects in Year 9 are taught in similarly sized groups with setting in some subjects so
that teaching can be carried out at levels most suited to the pupils’ needs. Year 9 ends with
pupils sitting their SATs examinations and deciding their GCSE subjects for Year 10.