KS4 Curriculum
During Year 9, parents and pupils are issued with an Options Booklet outlining the range of GCSE and Vocational courses available for study in Years 10 and 11. Final decisions on which subjects pupils should take are made after careful consideration and discussion with parents on the aptitude and ability of their child. Our aim is to ensure that pupils will achieve success in their studies and have clear career pathways open to them.
All pupils follow a core curriculum consisting of:
English Language, English Literature, Information Technology, Mathematics, Physical Education, Personal and Social Education (which includes Religious Education and Citizenship) and Combined Sciences. Pupils will then take a further three GCSEs chosen from: Art & Design, Business Studies, Drama, German, French, Food Technology, Geography, History, Media Studies, Music, Product Design, Physical Education, Dance and Religious Studies.
All of our subjects lead on to further study, either in our Sixth Form or at a College of Further Education.
In Years 10 and 11 extra classes are created to ensure that the average group size is below 20.
All pupils in Year 10 will have two weeks of closely monitored and evaluated work experience, for which a certificate of competence is awarded.