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Chadwell Heath

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Year 7

Head of Year: Mrs L Kelly

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    Academic Year 2023/2024


    We are very excited to be starting a new year and I am certainly delighted to have been able to welcome Year 7 students to Chadwell Heath Academy. Whilst the dedication, commitment and hard work must undoubtedly come from them, my tutor team and I will be there to encourage, monitor, motivate and guide each student to ensure they immerse themselves in school life and have every opportunity to achieve their full potential.

    The transition from Junior school to secondary school can be overwhelming for even the most confident students. Any anxieties regarding this new journey are of course understandable.  However, I would like to remind you that this is a very exciting phase for both you and your child, and that we at Chadwell Heath Academy will try our level best to make this a memorable journey, filled with happiness and success.  That being said, the new term will present your child with some challenges: new teachers, subjects, homework and friends will take some getting used to before your child can begin to feel comfortable.  Some pupils will adapt quickly to all the changes, others will need to lean on the support systems that we have in place until they settle.

     During their first year at Chadwell Heath Academy students will grow quickly into new routines and develop independence, discipline, resilience and confidence. Every teacher at Chadwell Heath Academy is here to support each student and will do everything in their power to help students succeed.  Excellent learning is underpinned by excellent behaviour.  We expect our pupils to show respect and kindness when interacting with other members of the school community. Getting into good habits, and being accountable for their actions, is something our pupils will be working hard to develop and we very much appreciate the support of parent/carer with this at home.

    As a parent/carer, you play an integral role in the education of your child and your encouragement is vital in helping your child to excel.  Your child’s Planner plays a key role in the organisation of their studies and homework specifically, and we thank you in advance for your support in signing your child’s Planner each week.  Many of you have also signed up to view your child’s homework on Show My Homework, which is an additional method by which you may offer your support.

    Throughout the year there will be a range of inter-form events, non-uniform days and other key dates.  Please keep a keen eye on SIMS In-touch for additional information.  Below you can find key dates for the academic year ahead.

    Year 7 Key Dates  

    Year 7 ‘Talk about transition’ workshops Monday 18th September 2023Year 7 Photographs: Monday 9th October 2023Prizegiving: Wednesday 18th October 2023
    Parent/Tutor Consultation Meeting: 22nd November 2023
    End-of-year Examination Week: 22nd April 2024
    Parents’ Evening: 7th May 2024
    End-of-year Reward Trip - July 2024

    Thank you for your support to ensure the very best for your child.  I sincerely hope they enjoy the new challenges posed by the start of their journey at secondary school, and that they participate in all the school has to offer.  I wish them every success during their time at Chadwell Heath Academy.  We are all in this together! 

    Should you have concerns please do not hesitate to contact either myself or your child’s form tutor, and we will be happy to help.

    I’m very much looking forward to meeting you all again soon.